Chris holds himself in superposition about quantum computing, Ned is anxious about Ceph's fate, and we all wait on bated breathe for Microsoft Ignite.
Ned is pedantic about the term Supercloud, Chris is pedantic about everything, and we both think Halo Rise is a terrible, horrible, no good idea.
Chris rages against the tyranny of MFA, Ned reminds you that Facebook still hates you, and we all feel nostalgic about floppy disks.
Ned investigates the world of Decentralized Identity, Chris realized he's the problem with AI art, and we take the time to lament the Queen's passing in our own special way. By completely ignoring it.
Chris is incensed by Spam, Ned is burned up about lying ISPs, and everyone sees through Apple's smoke and mirrors.
Ned and Chris discuss how Best Practices don't exist, Cloudflare still sucks, and we all agree Chili Dogs also suck, but like in a good way.
Chris covers the Mudge and Twitter drama, Ned gets riled up about Cloudflare sucking, and we both agree that Centralia is a perfect metaphor for most corporate IT.
Ned laments the use of IPU in a deep dive on SmartNICs, Chris is upset about Protons, and we all bask in the glow of Janet Jackson's Rhythm Nation.
Chris reminds us of the deep existential crisis in late-stage capitalism, Ned gets excited about open-source emoji ����, and we both agree Comcast sucks.
Ned pontificates on the meaning of Zero Trust, Chris coins the term EquiFail, and we all ponder for whom the llama's ass is whipped.
Chris takes us on a QUIC journey through HTTP/3. Ned does and does not cover quantum cryptography. And we all lament the untimely death of the Choco Taco.
Ned pontificates about the premature announcement of Open Core's death, Chris is incensed by Facebook (again), and we all sigh heavily about hardcoded passwords.
Chris argues for pervasive, specialized clouds in a hyperscaler world. Ned fetches FIDO keys. And we once again lament the inevitable Muskination of Twooter.
Ned gets in his feels about DevOps, Chris maligns Elon's good name, and we both agree the Star Wars prequels are trash.
Live? from Cloud Field Day 14, Chris and Ned talk about AIOps limitations, illogical air gaps, and the hypercloud (you're welcome Stephen).
Unconscious and uncaring AI will come for us all. IE is undead. And Musk continues his hot streak of being an ass.
Ned helps you to manifest your inner developer. Chris argues with himself over USB-C. And Gartner once again states the glaringly obvious.
Hey Google, find me browsers that respect people's privacy. Zero results found? Ouch. Also, Seth Green is being a weenie about NFTs. And layoffs serve as a friendly reminder that companies are not your friend.
We take a moment to reflect on VMware's past, present, and future given the Broadcom acquisition. Ned is furious about Chris' distaste for cake. And we all agree WSL on Windows Server is silly.
Security is a philosophy with a practical application, unlike anything Hegel ever wrote. Ned is dismissive of golf. And we all get a good laugh at Elon's expense.
Google wants to HELP whether you want it or not, Chris has a sad about the iPod'd demise, Ned reminisces about a high school sweetheart, and Stablecoins seem anything but.
Ned finally dissects the hyperscaler's earnings and the entrails are promising, Chris fumes about Facebook (#NeverMeta), and someone (not saying who) got an italian hoagie that was WAY too big.
Chris puts on a Brave face about Google's AMP project, Ned adopts a basset hound and names it Istio, and we all get progressively more confused about VMware and SD cards.
Ned insists that both spoons and multicloud do not exist, Chris introduces us to the ThunderBert cable standard, and we literally lament the figurative use of literally.